Responsive Testing with Galen

Galen is an open source layout testing tool for software applications, which helps us test the look and feel of the application.

1. Requirements

Make sure you have Nvm and Node.js installed on your vagrant machine. See Install Node.js using Nvm.

Open the vagrant machine config.yml file and make sure to have the java line uncommented on installed_extras

      - java

From your terminal go on the vagrant directory and run vagrant up --provision, to apply the changes on your vagrant machine, or run vagrant provision if your machine is already up.

Make sure you have the Selenium Server requirements on your host machine. See Behat Requirements.

2. Install Galen Framework

From your vagrant machine run:

sudo npm install -g galenframework-cli

3. Setup Galen

From your vagrant machine, on your drupal project folder, the following steps will help you get your first Galen tests up and running!

If your project docroot already have the folder tests/ReponsiveTests in your drupal docroot and it contains the files config.js galen.config package.json then skip this and jump directly to Install Galen dependencies.

Create the folder tests/ReponsiveTests/ under your docroot, and in this folder create the file galen.config which would contain the configuration parameters for Galen:

# Range approximation
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Defines the approximation value for ranges when using "~" in galen page specs
# This value means how many pixels or percents should it take constructing a range
# e.g. if we define approximation as 5 then the following spec:
#   height: ~ 50 px
# will actually be replaced by Galen with this:
#   height: 45 to 55px

# Custom Listeners
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# A comma separated list of class paths to reporting listeners
# The defined listeners will be picked up by Galen and used for reporting
# galen.reporting.listeners=

# Using page urls from last checked page in HTML report
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# This property enables the use of last page url in a page test
# Needed when for some pages on the website there is no way to open it by direct url
# galen.reporting.html.useLastPageUrls = true

# Default browser
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# A browser that should be used by default in case it was not specified in galen test

# Color scheme spec precision
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# A value between 8 and 256 for color spectrum accuracy.
spec.colorscheme.precision = 256

# Full screenshots
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# In some browsers it is not possible to create a complete screenshot of whole page.
# With this property enabled Galen will scroll page and make screenshots of parts of it.
# Then it will assemble it in a one big screenshot
galen.browser.screenshots.fullPage = false
# the following parameter is need in case the upper parameter is set to true
# it sets the amount of time in milliseconds needed for a check that the page was scrolled when taking full page screenshots
galen.browser.screenshots.fullPage.scrollWait = 0

# Color scheme spec test color range
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# A value between 0 and 256 which defined the range of nearby colors
# in spectrum which will be picked up for calculating the percentage of usage
spec.colorscheme.testrange = 6

# Running in Selenium Grid
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# You can run your tests in Selenium Grid without modifying the tests.
# Just enable the "galen.browserFactory.selenium.runInGrid" property
# and Galen will always choose a Selenium Grid instead of running tests against local browsers
# Also make sure you provide the proper url to grid
galen.browserFactory.selenium.runInGrid = true
galen.browserFactory.selenium.grid.url =
galen.browserFactory.selenium.grid.browser = chrome
# galen.browserFactory.selenium.grid.browserVersion =
# galen.browserFactory.selenium.grid.platform =

# Exit with fail code in case of any failures
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# = true

# Test file extension for standard test runner
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# JavaScript Test file extension for JavaScript test runner
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# Area finder for page elements
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Defines a method of extracting location and size of web element. By default 'native' is used, which means
# that Galen will use WebElement.getLocation() and WebElement.getSize() Java methods to construct area of page element.
# But on some devices (e.g. iPhone with iOS 8.0) this would not work and there you need to switch to another method.
# All possible methods
# - native - Uses WebDriver methods for getting location and size
# - jsbased - Uses JavaScript getBoundingClientRect() function in order to get area for page element.
# - jsbased_native - Uses 'jsbased' method but in case of error goes back to 'native' method
# - custom - Uses user-defined JavaScript for getting area of page element. If you use this method, you need to also
#            provide a script via galen.browser.pageElement.areaFinder.custom.script property
galen.browser.pageElement.areaFinder = native

Create also the file package.json, to install the galen-framework-handler with this content:

  "dependencies": {
    "galen-framework-handler": "^0.0.9"
  "devDependencies": {
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=5.5.0"
  "keywords": [
    "galen framework",
  "scripts": {}

And, at the end, create also the file config.js that contains:

/** Overriding the config variable defined in the galen-framework-handler **/
config = {
  baseURL: ""

/** Overriding the devices to test variable defined in the galen-framework-handler **/
devicesToTest = {
  iphone7: devices.iphone7,
  ipadMini3: devices.ipadMini3,
  desktop: devices.desktop1024

Edit the baseURL parameter with your host URL.

4. Install Galen dependencies

From your vagrant machine, in the folder tests/ReponsiveTests/ on your drupal docroot, run:

npm install

5. Run your first Galen test

In your project docroot, under tests/ReponsiveTests, create the folder specs.

Create file 'test-index.gspec' in specs/ folder. Edit the file and add this code:

   # menu items
   main-content xpath   //main[@id='content']

= Main content =
   # for all the devices
   @on *

Under tests/ReponsiveTests create the folder tests/suites/.

Create file test-index.test.js in tests/suites/ folder. Edit the file and add this code:

// important, commons should be loaded here


forAll(devicesToTest, function (device) {
  test("Testing on ${deviceName}", function (device) {

    // here goes a test code
    var driver = createDriver(config.baseURL, device.size);

    // here is the "key" of the galen-framework testing
    checkLayout(driver, "specs/uew-index.gspec", device.tags);


You are ready to run your first test using Galen.

From your host machine, move to the folder where you previously placed the Selenium Server (see Galen Requirements) and run it up:

cd /my/selenium/server/standalone/folder
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar

From your vagrant machine under docroot/tests/ReponsiveTests run:

galen test tests/suites/* --htmlreport reports/

If everything worked out, you’ll see Selenium open up a new instance of the selected browser profile and drive it through the test suites.

6. Git ignore Galen package files

Edit the main .gitignore file to add the Galen package files.

The files/folders to ignore are:

  • Folder /tests/ReponsiveTests/node_modules/
  • Folder /tests/ReponsiveTests/reports/

7. Cross-Browser test with Galen

In our galen.config selenium is setup to run with chrome browser.

To test on multiple browser we need to setup a new config file for each browser.

For example, if we want to setup tests on firefox browser, from your vagrant machine under docroot/tests/ReponsiveTests run:

cp galen.config galenfirefox.config

Then edit the created file galenfirefox.config and change the galen.browserFactory.selenium.grid.browser parameter as below:

galen.browserFactory.selenium.grid.browser = firefox

Now to run your test:

galen test tests/suites/* --htmlreport reports/ --config galenfirefox.config